Entrance floor mats

Decorative rugs are quite important in a home, besides its hygienic function, which allows visitors to remove dirt from shoes before entering house, are a welcome tool. These mats can become a nice greeting for both our guests and ourselves. That is why we should choose one according to housing and attractive for visitors.



80% of dirt enters to a building through the front door, so installing entrance floor mats can effectively contribute to cleaning the interior, reducing the investment in maintenance. Likewise, a entrance floor mats can be a way to increase safety, as they prevent slips and falls. If entrance floor mats is intended to be located at the entrance of offices or stores, then you can buy entrance floor mats with your company logo, adding the extra benefit of promotion and marketing.



For a minimal investment, you can add attractive and cleaning simply installing entrance floor mats in each entry. Do not hesitate to seek an entrance floor mat  that suits your needs!