En videotutorial aprenderemos a instalar nuestro for en nuestra paginas web.
Link de descarga de archivos necesarios Aqui
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Hola estava chekando tu videotutorial y lo ke pasa es ke me salio un error al momento de instalar el plugins segui los pasoa tal komo el manual ero a la hra de subir e instalar ya ke kargo me aparece esto "Creation/permission setting of the following directories failed:
/home/a5002593/public_html/images/fbfiles/avatars/gallery (you have to put avatars inside if you want to use it)
a) You can copy the contents of __fbfiles_dist under components/com_fireboard to your Joomla root, under images/ folder, rename it to "fbfiles" and then chmod it to 777 (making it writable)
b) If you already have the contents there, but Fireboard installation was not able to make them writable, then please do it manually." espero tu respuesta para ver si me puedes ayudar
Amigo, has tenido algun error al subir el fichero instalador, intentalo de nuevo, y si se repite, me avisas, ok?